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Description: Unveil the mysteries of the night with Shadows Embrace, a compelling collection of 103 unique AI-generated darkness rune icons. Each meticulously designed icon, presented at a high-resolution of 512x512 pixels, explores the profound themes of darkness and shadow magic. From sinister glyphs that whisper of forbidden powers to elegant symbols of the nocturnal realm, these runes are perfect for any RPG that delves into the darker side of magic.


  • Varied Dark Themes: The collection includes icons depicting all aspects of darkness, from eerie silhouettes to complex, arcane sigils.
  • High-Resolution Quality: Crafted with precision, each rune stands out with clear, intricate details, suitable for both digital and print media.
  • Ideal for Shadow Magic: These runes are tailor-made for spells and abilities related to stealth, necromancy, and mystic darkness.
  • Plug-and-Play Integration: Ready to be incorporated into your game systems, these icons can enhance magical inventories, spell books, or character abilities.

Usage: Essential for game developers, digital artists, and tabletop creators who seek to add a layer of visual depth and thematic complexity to their games with elements of shadow and darkness.

Invoke the power of Shadows Embrace and let your players explore the hidden powers that lurk in the dark corners of your fantasy world.


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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

103_Darkness_Runes.rar 6 MB